
PayPal Is Buying Payments Start-up iZettle for $2.2 Billion Deal

  • Admin
  • May 18,2018
  • 1610

PayPal, U.S. online payments service giant, just confirmed that it is buying the payments start-up company iZettle for $2.2 billion. PayPal (PYPL) announced on Thursday it has bought the Sweden’s company, which is the biggest deal in its history. iZettle is best known for its small but strong services for providing mobile card readers [...]


WhatsApp Raises Users’ Minimum Age In Europe To 16

  • Admin
  • Apr 25,2018
  • 720

WhatsApp in recently updates its age limit in Europe , and it will require users in Europe have to be 16 to use the program. As the European Union will update its data privacy laws next month, WhatsApp has to modify its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for complying with the new regulations, and […]

Instagram Apple Watch App

Instagram Halts Its Apple Watch App

  • Admin
  • Apr 03,2018
  • 1146

Do you often use the Instagram on your Apple Watch? It must be a bad news that Instagram halts its Apple Watch app as of April 1st. According to a French site iPhoneAddict, Instagram’s Watch app was developed via using using the watchOS 1 SDK, however, Apple just abandon it from April 1st, those apps […]

Firefox Facebook Container

Firefox New Extension Stop Facebook Tracking Your Browsing Online

  • Admin
  • Mar 28,2018
  • 965

With the privacy crisis created by Facebook in recently, Mozilla released a Firefox extension that can help people to keep the Facebook from tracking their behaviors on the web. Facebook Container is the new extension that developed by Mozilla, considering the Facebook usually tracks the users’ activity across the web, this extension can [...]

Microsoft Solar Deal

Microsoft Makes Largest Corporate Solar Deal In The In U.S. And Adds 315 MW Of Energy

  • Admin
  • Mar 22,2018
  • 983

Microsoft Corp. announced yesterday it purchased 315 megawatts from two new solar projects Pleinmont I and II, which is the single largest corporate purchase of solar energy ever in the United States. According to the Microsoft’s news, it bought the 315 MW of solar power from Pleinmont I and II in Virginia, which are make […]

Google hiring discrimination

YouTube Recruiter Sues Google For ‘Hiring Discrimination’

  • Admin
  • Mar 05,2018
  • 1043

Google sued by a former YouTube employee in recently, for allegedly refusing to hire the white and Asian men for technical positions. According to the Lawsuit, YouTube is allegedly hiring for some positions to only look for female, black, and Hispanic or Latinx applicants, and the white and Asian men are just excluded. Discrimination has […]


Seattle Says Facebook Has Violated Its Political Ad Law

  • Admin
  • Feb 08,2018
  • 939

The election authority of Seattle, Washington, claimed on Monday that Facebook is in violation of 1977 campaign finance law, which should disclosure about more details about who buys election ads. According to the 1977 campaign finance law, people who accept advertising dollars from political campaigns be transparent with the public about the [...]

Gucci Animoji

Gucci Introduce Its New Custom ‘Year of the Dog’ Animoji

  • Admin
  • Feb 01,2018
  • 1033

To get more fun or cater for users’ taste, Apple usually introduce some interesting animoji to its devices. And now, Gucci just unveils its first custom animoji ‘Year of the Dog’ today. Gucci is the first brand to make custom animoji, and the ‘Year of the Dog’ is make specially for the Lunar New Year, […]

Microsoft moving Cortana

Microsoft is reportedly moving Cortana to the Action Center

  • Admin
  • Jan 19,2018
  • 753

With the coming of new year, news and rumors about Microsoft going to give up Cortana are often found on many platforms and social media, and now, it seems like the issue about Cortana continues to be discussed again, because it is reported that Microsoft will move Cortana to the Action Center in Windows 10. […]


Google Quietly Bought UK Startup Redux

  • Admin
  • Jan 12,2018
  • 887

Alphabet, the umbrella corporation of Google, Inc. etc. quietly acquired Redux, a UK startup company which is focus on technology like turn your screen into a speaker. According the a report from bloomberg, Google has quietly acquired this startup company and reflected on Crunchbase, but the exact date when the purchase was made is not […]

