How can Uninstall Filmora from Windows PC

Want to uninstall Filmora on your PC? Do you know where it is and how to perform a complete removal for the program? The following recommended ways may be helpful for you.

remove Filmora

Filmora is a video editor developed by Wondershare, it can help people to edit, overlay and even adds additional effects to the video. To uninstall Filmora from the computer, the guides below will provide two available ways for you to get rid of it.

Instructions to uninstall Filmora from PC

1.Remove it from Windows uninstall feature

  • Right-click Windows(Start) button, select “Programs and Features” (if you get an older OS like Win7 or Win XP, you can access to this feature via the Control Panel)
  • Highlight Wondershare Filmora on the list of installed programs, and click Uninstall

uninstall Filmora

  • Click Yes to confirm the removal, and Yes again on the now pop-up



  • Wait and click OK when the removal get finished


  • Restart your PC, and come back to the desktop again
  • Open Registry Editor on your PC (search “regedit” and enter it), and delete the registry entries belonging to the Wondershare Filmora

2.Uninstall Filmora with app remover

If you are tired of conducting the manual removal for the program, you can apply a sophisticated app removal tool to help you process the uninstallation on the PC, and it can replace you to conduct the removing job, and also take an 100% complete removal for you with very simple steps, which is especially useful for the common people with limited computer knowledge and skill. When choosing a good removal tool to uninstall Filmora, you can refer to the following removing steps:

  • Invite a good app remover on your PC and launch it
  • Scan all of installed apps on the computer, select Wondershare Filmora on the programs list
  • Follow the uninstall wizard to start the removal
  • When finish, restart the computer to permanently remove the program

download uninstaller


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