How can Perfectly Uninstall F-Secure Anti-Virus on PC

uninstall F-Secure

Have you ever been confused about the way to uninstall F-Secure Anti-Virus from your PC? Many people in recently ask for a way to remove this program on their computers. So, if you also have such a trouble, you will know how to do after reading the following guides.

As a popular security program, F-Secure gets a great number of users all around the world, so many people would have the question to remove this program when they need to delete it from the computer. To perform the removal smoothly on PC, please remember these important tips during the removal:

  • F-Secure is totally stopped running on the computer when uninstalled
  • All of associated processes and files should be removed without leftovers
  • Bundled apps and browser add-on should be removed as well

So, how do we uninstall F-Secure Anti-Virus step by step? You can take the following instructions to perform the removal on the PC.

Available approaches to uninstall F-Secure Anti-Virus

1. Take the conventional way to remove it with Windows uninstaller

Making use of the removing feature in Windows system is the most common way to remove F-Secure from the computer, and many people have been chose this way to uninstall unwanted apps for a long time, however, more and more people find that it is not able to fully remove a program from the computer, and there are usually some files and modules still staying on the PC. To remove a program thoroughly, people usually need to do an additional cleaning job after erase the app with Windows uninstaller.

  • Open Control Panel in the Windows system, and launch the removing feature: Programs and Features or Uninstall a program
  • Select F-Secure on the list, and click on Uninstall
  • Follow the uninstall wizard to perform the removing process
  • After the removal, restart the computer and go to clean its remnant files on the computer
  • Empty and delete its installation folder
  • Search and open regedit on the system, and delete F-Secure’s registry keys in the Registry Editor

2. Get a reliable uninstall tool to help you uninstall F-Secure

A third party uninstall tool is a very popular way to uninstall F-Secure as well as other applications with different types, it is more effective than the traditional ones to get rid of the unwanted program quickly from the computer, that’s why more and more people prefer to get such an uninstall utility on their PCs. If you are also interested in such an advanced uninstall tool, and want to get more details about how does it work, you can download it for a try or refer more in this uninstall guides.


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