remove Filmora

How can Uninstall Filmora from Windows PC

  • Admin
  • Jul 04,2018
  • 872

Want to uninstall Filmora on your PC? Do you know where it is and how to perform a complete removal for the program? The following recommended ways may be helpful for you. Filmora is a video editor developed by Wondershare, it can help people to edit, overlay and even adds additional effects to the video. […]

Microsoft Healthcare

Microsoft Formal Healthcare Group Found With Two New Health Leaders

  • Admin
  • Jun 27,2018
  • 624

Healthcare is an increasingly hot issue on the Internet, Microsoft also has been worked in this domain for several years, and now, the company announced that a new formal healthcare group is established, and two additional health leaders join to the group. Before the formal group being found, Microsoft worked in healthcare projects with other [...]

Set Homepage on Microsoft Edge

How to Set Homepage on Microsoft Edge Browser

  • Admin
  • Jun 15,2018
  • 970

Microsoft Edge is a latest browser developed by Microsoft, and it is included in the Windows 10 operating system, Windows 10 Mobile as well as the Xbox One. Although it has been available for a certain time, many people are still not very clear about some settings of the web browser, such as setting the […]

Washington State Suing Google And Facebook

Washington State Suing Google And Facebook for Violating Associated Laws

  • Admin
  • Jun 07,2018
  • 629

Early this week, Washington state filed lawsuits against Google and Facebook over the election advertisement details’ disclosure Recently, political advertisements and election manipulation evoke heated discussions in the United States, more and more scandal and news are exposed on the public. According to the lawsuits of Washington [...]

Australia self-driving cars

Australia Is To Updates National Self-Driving Car Law

  • Admin
  • May 30,2018
  • 852

With the Self-driving cars are approached to Australia, the Australia Ministers approved a proposal to develop a national law for automated driving systems. In the early time, Australia has been confirmed that self-driving cars are coming to the country at some point, and they also face a problem of lacking of adequate terms and laws […]

Facebook Twitter Political Ads

Facebook and Twitter Will Further Regulate Political Ads

  • Admin
  • May 25,2018
  • 1003

Facebook and Twitter made an announcement this week that will release new plans for regulating the political ads. The two big social platforms announced on Thursday to increase transparency of political campaign ads, and prevents foreign manipulation in the future, especially for the coming midterm elections. Facebook Facebook said it will [...]


PayPal Is Buying Payments Start-up iZettle for $2.2 Billion Deal

  • Admin
  • May 18,2018
  • 1602

PayPal, U.S. online payments service giant, just confirmed that it is buying the payments start-up company iZettle for $2.2 billion. PayPal (PYPL) announced on Thursday it has bought the Sweden’s company, which is the biggest deal in its history. iZettle is best known for its small but strong services for providing mobile card readers [...]

uninstall COMODO Internet Security

How can Totally Remove COMODO Internet Security on Windows

  • Admin
  • May 11,2018
  • 1040

Do you get any COMODO Internet Security removing issue on your PC? For people who don’t know to complete the app removal on their devices, it’s very necessary to get the following tips and proper way to uninstall COMODO Internet Security thoroughly. COMODO Internet Security is a powerful security program for Windows OS, it [...]


How to Install the Windows 10 April 2018 Update

  • Admin
  • May 03,2018
  • 809

Microsoft has been released Windows 10 April 2018 Update for several days, are you already installing it or still don’t know how to get it on your PC? Don’t worry, here are specific instructions to help you install the update. Windows 10 April 2018 Update, also called Windows 10 Spring Creators Update, is a big […]


WhatsApp Raises Users’ Minimum Age In Europe To 16

  • Admin
  • Apr 25,2018
  • 708

WhatsApp in recently updates its age limit in Europe , and it will require users in Europe have to be 16 to use the program. As the European Union will update its data privacy laws next month, WhatsApp has to modify its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for complying with the new regulations, and […]

