Guides to Uninstall SmadAV 2017 from Windows System

uninstall SmadAV 2017

Issues of removing SmadAV 2017 often confused you? Do you eager to know the effective way to uninstall 2017 from your PC? Try to get more info about this application as well as the right way to remove from this post.

About SmadAV 2017

SmadAV is an Indonesian antivirus program that regarded as a second layer security for the computer, and has an outstanding performance in protecting the plugged portable device especially the USB drivers from virus attack, and SmadAV 2017 is the latest version of this security program, here are the common files that usually installed with SmadAV 2017:

  • Smadav-Updater.exe
  • unins000.exe
  • SmadEngine.dll
  • SmadExtc.dll
  • SmadExtc64.dll
  • SMΔRTP.exe

How can uninstall SmadAV 2017 effective without traces on PC

Traditional way: remove it with Windows uninstaller or its own uninstall process

In the Windows base computer, both Windows uninstaller or its own uninstall process would be able to remove the program on the PC, but it is not a complete removal for the program, and some traces and configurations would be left on the PC, if you want to totally remove it on the computer, you should follow these steps completely:

  • Right-click on Windows button, select Program and Features


  • Select SmadAV 2017 on the list, and click on Uninstall (Alternatively, you can double-click on the Uninstall process in SmadAV 2017’s installation folder)
  • Click on Yes to confirm that you want to remove all of its components, and complete the removing process with uninstall wizard
  • Restart the computer after finishing the removal
  • Do a scan and removal for its leftovers hiding in the related folders like installation folder and Registry Editor.

The last leftovers removal is very necessary and important for thoroughly removing SmadAV 2017, but many people just don’t realize this and leave many files on the computer.

More effective way in nowadays: uninstall SmadAV 2017 with removal tool

There is now another way which is more popular and effective to get rid of this application on the computer, which is taking a professional uninstall tool, and allow the user to remove the unwanted program on their PCs automatically and thoroughly.

Steps to uninstall SmadAV 2017 with removal utility:

  • Launch the uninstaller on computer
  • Select SmadAV 2017 on its interface
  • Click on the uninstall button, and follow the instructions to perform the removal
  • When finish, exit the uninstall, and restart the PC

download uninstaller


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